Meet our team

June Armstrong

Romeo Kulp

Erica Martin
Community Engagement Coordinator
info@friendsofrittenhouse.org or 267.586.5675
Executive Committee of the Board
Laura LaRosa - Board President
Matthew Fingerman - Board Vice President of Finance
Douglas Blonsky - Board Vice President of Operations
Ken Wellar - Board Secretary
Joe Roberts
Bart Blatstein
Board Members
Samantha Audia
Bart Blatstein
Douglas Blonsky
Penninah Brodie
Scott Brown
Dominique Casimir
Ramnik Chopra
Brandon Dixon
Allan Domb
Stacy Douberly
Brian Emmons
Matthew Fingerman
MJ Frumin
Richard Gross
Nancy Heinzen
Laura LaRosa
Stephen J. Lightcap
Ken Mallin
Mark Nicoletti
Megan Nicoletti
Harvey Ostroff
Andrew Pack
Matt Pestronk
Missy Randolph
Herbert J. Reid III
Joseph Roberts
Wendy Rosen
Ryan Sanders
Ismail Shahid
Ken Sharples
Donna Slipakoff
Reed Slogoff
Wayne Spilove
Yu Sun
Renee Tucci
Ken Wellar
Shira Yoshor